
Elementary School

Welcome to the Elementary section of Heritage International School! Over the 30 years we have had the privilege of seeing our program grow and develop from 32 students to over 300 students in primary school. Not only has the number of students increased, but the quality of academic provision, spiritual nurturing and international mindedness have also grown each year. We are truly an international school with several nationalities represented by students, teachers, and administrators from North America, Europe, UK, Asia, and Africa.










Primary Curriculum

Our ‘International-mindedness’ is also reflected in our curriculum. Our Literacy/Language Arts program is North American based. We use the Reading Wonders Curriculum which is designed to foster a love of reading in all children focusing on teaching the whole child and preparing students to be life-long learners and critical thinkers.


We use Singapore Math which is more focused on mastery achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts. It moves away from the traditional rote memorization to training students to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons.

Science and Social Studies

Our Science and Social Studies are covered through the International Primary Curriculum. This is an interdisciplinary curriculum that covers the subject areas of Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Physical Education, ICT, Art, and Society. In addition to this, it provides students with personal learning goals that prepare students to be successful in the 21st Century. Through the IPC, students not only develop a sense of international-mindedness but also learn to appreciate their host countries. IPC’s learning outcomes are centered on developing knowledge, skills, and understanding. Learning is made to be fun and exciting and at the same time challenging and rigorous.

Special Subjects

PE, Swimming, Computing, French, Art, and Music are taught by specialist teachers to all students within the school day. There is an after-school enrichment program that includes sports and an assortment of enrichment activities that the students can choose from.

Being a Christian school, Bible is taught as a subject in every class. Students attend weekly Chapel meetings, where our Chaplains give spiritual nurturing. Each class is also given an opportunity to lead Chapel once a year.

Additional Support

Written report cards are given out every quarter and at the end of the first and third quarters, parents have an opportunity to have a conference with their child’s teacher to discuss their child’s education.

We have a well-equipped Student Support Service Team that supports students with learning, social or emotional needs and at the same time provides enrichment for those that are gifted and talented.

Laura Agaba

Elementary Principal

Laura Agaba has worked for Heritage for over 25 years. She started her career in the classroom, and has served as our Elementary Principal since 2011. Since the day our doors opened her goal has remained the same: provide our students with quality wholistic education in a nurturing Christian environment. 

For any additional information, feel free to email