Who We Are
Welcome to Heritage International School, a thriving and dynamic Christian international school located in the beautiful suburbs of Kampala, Uganda. Founded by a small group of missionary mothers who wanted to give their children a Christian education, we’ve grown from just 32 students to a diverse student population of over 500 from over 38 countries, with a talented and dedicated team of teachers and administrators from all over the world. We are currently on a 15 acre campus with classes kept to a maximum of 20 students and double-streamed from K-Grade 12.
A Holistic Education
We care deeply about the students who come here, and look at providing an education program that grows and develops the whole child: spiritually, mentally, physically and socially. We want our students to leave Heritage with a world-class education, a secure sense of their identity, an excitement about their future, and all the skills they need to thrive in the world outside of school.
We are inclusive, we celebrate success, we support those who need it and we build relationships here that will last a lifetime. We never forget our mission of providing a quality international education in a nurturing Christian environment.
- Monica, Elementary Teacher and Parent
Always Progressing
At 28 years of service, we have hit over 90% full capacity. Although growing and changing, we still view ourselves as a family, so building relationships with parents and guardians is more important to us than ever before. The best advertisement for our school is our students! Please come and have a look around our wonderful campus and see our thriving school community in action!